According to a report from Giant Freaking Robot, critically-acclaimed actor Javier Bardem has joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe and would play a major villain. Although the report did not specify which antagonist the Spanish actor would bring to life, there are lots of notable villain in Marvel Comics who hasn’t yet surfaced in the MCU, including X-Men’s Mister Sinister and Fantastic Four’s Doctor Doom.Nathaniel Essex, widely known as Mister Sinister remains a top choice for Bardem. Mister Sinister was originally an X-Men supervillain, however, the character hasn’t yet appeared in any live-action films. Now that Disney has officially bought the rights for the X-Men and the current MCU roadmap seemingly hinting at their arrival, it would make sense to cast someone with the stature of Bardem as one of Marvel Comics’ alpha-level mutants. Mister Sinister possesses superhuman strength, superhuman reflexes, telepathy, mental paralysis, mind control, dilate power, telekinesis, force fields, flight, teleportation, and immortality. The X-Men villain is originally a right-hand of Apocalypse, and now that we’ve seen the world’s first mutant in 2016’s X-Men: Apocalypse, maybe it’s the perfect time to see Mister Sinister live-action.However, Bardem can still play other villains like Fantastic Four’s Doctor Doom. Now that a Fantastic Four reboot was officially greenlit by Marvel Studios for Phase 4, they must be rounding up the casting that could possibly include Bardem. And let’s admit it, he would definitely kill it as Doctor Doom!Nonetheless, Academy Award winner Javier Bardem would unquestionably deliver a compelling performance as a Marvel villain. Bardem has already played several antagonist roles throughout his career, with notable performances as Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men and Raoul Silva in the James Bond sequel Skyfall. If ever this report is accurate, Marvel Studios has just acquired another influential actor for the expanding franchise.Also read: MCU’s Russo Brothers Reveal The Next Marvel Project They Want to Helm