Chainsaw Man Release Time
Chainsaw Man episodes release on Wednesdays at midnight in Japan. Confused about what this means in your time zone? Typically, anime episodes appear in the rest of the world around an hour later than they do in Japan. Below, you will find the release times of Chainsaw Man episodes every Tuesday for many time zones:
Pacific Time: 9:00 AM Central Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time: 12:00 AM British Time: 5:00 PMEuropean Central Time: 6:00 PMEuropean Eastern Time: 7:00 PMIndian Standard Time: 9:30 PMAustralian Time: 2:30 AM (on Wednesdays, rather than Tuesdays as the above time zones)
Chainsaw Man English Dub Release Time
The timeline above is for the original Japanese episodes of Chainsaw Man with English subtitles. But what about the dub? Whoever has access to Crunchyroll will very soon be able to access Chainsaw Man’s English dub, with Ryan Colt Levy as Denji, Suzie Yeung as Makima, Reagan Murdock as Aki, Sarah Wiedenheft as Power, and Lindsay Seidel as Pochita. From October 25 onwards, you will also be able to access English dubbed episodes of Chainsaw Man on Crunchyroll. The Chainsaw Man English dubbed episodes will release weekly on Tuesdays as well, but the dub will be two episodes behind, which means Episode 1’s dub will release at the same time as Episode 3 of the original Japanese. Chainsaw Man’s English dub timeline remains the same:
Pacific Time: 9:00 AM Central Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time: 12:00 AM British Time: 5:00 PMEuropean Central Time: 6:00 PMEuropean Eastern Time: 7:00 PMIndian Standard Time: 9:30 PMAustralian Time: 2:30 AM (on Wednesdays, rather than Tuesdays as the above time zones)
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When Do New Chainsaw Man Episodes Appear on Crunchyroll?
New Chainsaw Man episodes appear on Crunchyroll every Tuesday for most time zones. In certain time zones, this would be early Wednesday. READ NEXT: Where to Read Chainsaw Man Legally Online for Free