Judging by the trailer, the film still retains the core elements that made its predecessor work and that is the right balance of fun and action which of course doesn’t really come as a surprise. What’s actually surprising is that fans from both the Marvel and DC community seem to think that Fury of the Gods is already miles better than Thor: Love and Thunder.You see, the fourth Thor film has been the subject of debate within the comic book film fandom, and while viewers thoroughly enjoyed the Taika Waititi-directed blockbuster, many believe the film focused on too much comedy and not enough substance.On Twitter, Marvel and DC fans celebrated the release of Shazam! 2’s first official trailer and a lot of them say it’s how Marvel Studios should’ve presented Love and Thunder. Do you agree? Check out some of the reactions below:
Also Read: Taika Waititi Mocks Christian Group Trying to Boycott Thor: Love and ThunderTurns out, WB made the right call by pushing back the film’s release and it would be safe to assume that it gave the team behind the project a chance to improve the sequel. I’ve always believed that the original Shazam! film was one of the most overlooked superhero films out there and I hope the follow-up will once again exceed expectations.Shazam! Fury of the Gods hits cinemas on December 21, 2022.