Warning: Major spoilers ahead!
Does Uta Have Devil Fruit Powers in One Piece Film: Red?
In One Piece Film: Red, Uta does have devil fruit powers. However, the reason for her having the said powers is not revealed in the film. Apparently, Uta ate a devil fruit years before she was abandoned by the Red Hair Pirates on the island of Elegia. What is certain is that Uta consumed a devil fruit before they arrived in Elegia. This has been confirmed by her ability to awaken the Demon King of Songs, who had been sleeping for a long time beneath Elegia’s main castle. Uta’s devil fruit power has the ability to awaken and possess the Demon King of Songs. True enough, when the Demon King of Songs inhabited Uta’s body, she was able to destroy everything in sight, including the island’s residents and visitors. Fortunately, Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates were capable of defeating Uta and the Demon King of Songs. However, Shanks and his crew had to claim responsibility for the incident to protect the young Uta from knowing the truth.
What Is Uta’s Devil Fruit in One Piece Film: Red?
The Sing Sing Devil Fruit, also known as the Uta Uta no Mi, is Uta’s devil fruit in One Piece Film: Red. It is a type of paramecia devil fruit that allows her to transport the consciousness of her victims to Uta’s World, a virtual space. When her victims hear her sing, they are instantly transported to Uta’s World, where Uta has complete control over everything inside. Uta is essentially the physical manifestation of God within her world. Everything she desires can be fulfilled within her own make-up world, which is why she has become such a threat to the world. Uta has even been targeted by the marines as a result of her growing power. In fact, her victims had no idea they were in a fantasy world until Koby and Helmeppo told them about Uta’s devil fruit power. However, Uta’s devil fruit power has a significant drawback. She can only keep her make-up world going as long as she is awake in the real world. This explains why Uta was forced to consume wake mushrooms throughout the film. You Might Also Like: Is One Piece Film: Red Set After Wano? Timeline Explained