With so many adventures and challenges thrown their way, Ainz and the rest of the guardians remained focused on conquering the new world. Ainz’s goal for the Sorcerer Kingdom, now that he has established it, is to create a utopia for his people! With the release of Overlord 4, the anime community appears to be getting more fascinated with Ainz Ooal Gown and the other NPC guardians. After three seasons of Overlord, it will only be a matter of time before the latest season ends. So, if you want to move past the events in the anime, head over and read the Overlord light novel!
Is the Overlord Light Novel Finished?
The Overlord light novel series is still ongoing as of this writing. The serialization of the light novel series began in 2010. It was published on the novel website Arcadia. Maruyama and So-bin’s masterpiece was soon after uploaded to Shosetsuka ni Naro, another novel publishing website, in 2012. Following the acquisition of the light novel by the Japanese publisher Enterbrain, the series has produced 15 volumes, with the 16th due on July 29th. Enterbrain published the first Overlord light novel volume in July of 2012. Furthermore, Yen Press previously announced in 2015 that it had licensed the series for North American distribution. Yen Press released the first volume in English print in 2016. The Undead King is the title of the first Overlord light novel volume, and The Half-Elf God-Kin Part 2 is the title of the 16th volume. The titles of the 17th and 18th Overlord light novel volumes are still unknown as of this writing.
Is the Overlord Light Novel Ending Soon?
Yes, the Overlord light novel is coming to an end soon. This is based on Maruyama’s note in the 16th volume’s second part afterword that the light novel will end at Volume 18. With the release of the 16th volume on July 29th, it will only be a matter of time before Overlord ends. As of this writing, there has been no word on whether Maruyama will reconsider and continue writing Overlord past volume 18. With the light novel’s current direction, fans are concerned that Overlord will have a truncated ending. In any case, Overlord 4 has arrived, and it has been announced that it will adapt light novel volumes 10 to 12. As a result, an anime adaptation in the future is very likely because there is still source material to cover. There’s also an upcoming Overlord movie that will cover the light novel’s Holy Kingdom arc, so there’s so much more to look forward to in the series. So, what are your thoughts on the Overlord light novel series concluding with Volume 18?