Recently, Netflix shared a quick update about Stone Ocean’s last set of episodes on Twitter, and it received lots of angry comments from fans voicing their displeasure over Netflix’s promotion of the show.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Netflix Release
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is an anime series by David Production that’s based on the manga of the same name by Hirohiko Araki. The manga began back in 1987 and has since grown to become one of the most popular titles in Japan and internationally. As for the anime series, its latest season adapts Part 6 of the manga entitled Stone Ocean. Netflix holds exclusive streaming rights for the anime internationally, and it releases the show in an unusual release schedule. While typical anime series are released weekly, Stone Ocean is released in chunks. The first part of the series consists of the first 12 episodes and was released on December 1, 2021. Episodes 13-24 were then released on September 1, 2022. Episodes 25-38 are the last set, and they will be released this December. The final episodes’ release date was announced just last month. Given this unusual release schedule, fans online have voiced their opinions. Many fans believe that this release strategy means there is little to no discussion online about Stone Ocean, unlike with a weekly series. YOU MIGHT LIKE: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Timeline Explained: All Anime in Order
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Fans Still Unhappy With Netflix
Aside from the complaints about its release, many fans were also angry at Netflix for the lack of Stone Ocean promotion. Days before Part 2’s release, Netflix hasn’t shared any promotional materials for the show to drum up the hype. Because of this, fans became angry at the streaming giant for supposedly ignoring Stone Ocean. Now, Netflix has started hyping up the final part, but it seems the efforts aren’t enough. Recently, the official Netflix Anime Twitter account shared a post promoting Part 3. In the replies, many fans are still complaining about the anime’s release schedule and the lack of a new trailer. While many fans are not happy, some fans replied about how they are fine with the release schedule and that they are happy just to see the series’ last set of episodes. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean Part 3 will be released on Netflix on December 1, 2022. Discover more anime news and info by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime. READ NEXT: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Localized Names Explained