Only a few days left after waiting for 13 years, Avatar: The Way of Water is finally arriving in theaters with a promise of a new perspective of Pandora as the sequel offers a look into the underwater wealth of the planet as they face another threat from the humans. Meanwhile, the people behind the franchise isn’t shying away from the fact that they are building an Avatar cinematic universe with more movies coming in everyone’s way in the following years, even to the extent of already having plans teased for Avatar 5. Producer Jon Landau reveals to Gizmodo some plans they have for Avatar 5 where Neytiri would be introduced to life on Earth, like literally going to Earth, “In movie five there is a section of the story where we go to Earth, and we go to it to open people’s eyes, open Neytiri’s eyes, to what exists on Earth."
READ MORE: Avatar: The Way of Water Receives Golden Globe 2023 Nomination Ahead Its Release
So far, Avatar and Avatar: The Way of Water were both set in Pandora and heavily centered on the culture and ways of the Na’vi people there whilst being bugged by the human exploration on the planet, even to the point of receiving threats from the human invaders. It would be a great twist to have it the other way around, right? Well, as per the statement of Jon Landau, they already thought of how amazing that would be to flip the coin and have the take on the story to a different end with the Na’vi seeing a glimpse of Earth. This means that Neytiri could have an idea on the past life of her husband, Jake Sully, before he decided to fully embrace being a member of the Na’vi, and even build a family with her. Avatar: The Way of Water arrives in theaters on Decemebr 16, 2022.