There is no doubt at this point that Quantumania will become of the most pivotal films in the MCU considering its ramification on the entire franchise moving forward, which was also confirmed by Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige himself during his recent appearance at CCXP 2022 according to The Direct. Feige discussed his excitement for the film on stage where he reflected on Ant-Man’s journey in the MCU ever since he was introduced at the end of Phase Two. He also went on to declare the titular hero’s films as part of the “peak of the MCU.” “I love it. I said it a minute ago, that I love that these amazing people that we’ve been with now for eight years,” he said. “Ant-Man ended Phase Two, and now kicking off Phase Five in such a huge way, much like Scott Lang himself going from this petty criminal coming out of jail to see his daughter to saving the world in Endgame, I love that the Ant-Man franchise is now at the peak of the MCU and kicking off Phase Five.”
During the same panel, director Peyton Reed opened up about the pressure of his film being the opener of Phase Five and how it is also the biggest adventure for Ant-Man and the Wasp in the MCU as well as having an antagonist that is bigger than anyone that they ever faced. “I did not feel any pressure until you asked me that question. Now I feel pressure,” he told the crowd. “No, we’re really, really excited. We’re starting off Phase Five in a big, big way. This is the biggest adventure that Ant-Man and Wasp have ever gone on. We’re going to some strange places and we’re encountering an antagonist who’s unlike anything they’ve ever experienced, and that includes Thanos.” Compared to the villains that they faced in the first two films, there is no doubt that the upcoming film will have the biggest stakes that they ever faced with the introduction of Kang the Conqueror. With that alone, you can understand why Feige called it part of the franchise’s peak and it is exciting to see how it will play into the future of the MCU moving forward. Also Read: Paul Rudd Teases Big Things For Scott Lang in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is slated for release in theaters on February 17, 2023. You can check more details about it here.