The amount of attention Lycoris Recoil has received from the anime community is not surprising. Because it is an original anime, there is no material to look for in terms of unanswered questions. Fans have no choice but to wait as each episode of Lycoris Recoil is released! The beauty of Lycoris Recoil lies in the mystery of events in Chisato’s life at Lyco Reco Café. Not to mention, the anime’s interesting character development of Mika and the other Lycoris Recoil characters appears to be crucial as the series progresses.
Is Chisato a Robot in Lycoris Recoil?
The idea that Chisato is a robot is still just a theory as of this writing. In Lycoris Recoil, there are some anime cues that make her appear to be a robot. Himegama knocks Chisato down in the clinic during episode eight of the anime. Fans were quick to point out how robot-like noises could be heard before she passed out. It appears to the fans as though Chisato has shut down like a malfunctioning machine. Do you recall the tiny noises your rusted machine makes when it is broken? Yes, that noise. The glitchy audio distortions were made by Chisato before she lost consciousness. However, it could also be the sound effects the anime is using at that moment. In any case, episode eight contained a lot of information that lends credence to the idea that Chisato is a robot. From the Terminator DVD and John Wick cameo to the new A.I. waiter at Lyco Reco, there were a lot of details supporting the theory, which overwhelmed fans. In addition, Chisato’s heart has been revealed to be artificial. Because of this, fans are looking forward to Himegama’s dissection of Chisato’s heart in Episode 9. Whether it will be a dissection or a checkup, new information about Chisato will surely be revealed. Chisato may only have a steel heart, but it appears that some parts of her body may be somewhat resistant to physical harm. She didn’t bleed from her wounds after Majima beat her up! Instead, she only had a few minor bruises. Also, Chisato was suddenly hit by a speeding car once, but nothing serious happened as a result. Some fans, however, argue that Chisato’s combat experience is the only reason she was able to evade and sustain the attacks. It’s a plot armor for Chisato, which is common in other shows, particularly in shonen anime. Furthermore, Majima recently shared Chisato’s history in the Radio Tower when he infiltrated the latter’s hideout in episode eight. Chisato, according to Majima, was unlike any other Lycoris he had ever encountered. He not only called Chisato a monster, but he also explained how she was so skilled at fighting. It almost looks like Chisato was programmed to kill all the terrorists in the Radio Tower incident. She appears to be a robot, from her blank expression to her quick movements, not to mention the lack of fear in her petite frame. Nonetheless, Chisato and Majima were both products of the Alan Institute. They were chosen as beneficiaries because of their innate ability to kill. If Chisato is a robot, she shouldn’t have the talent and God-given gift that Yoshimatsu frequently mentions in the series. However, Chisato still acts and behaves like a human. She eats and blushes, in addition to her other human characteristics. On the official website, Chisato’s blood type is AB, which means she cannot be a robot! Because of this, fans are jumping into other theories about Chisato’s true identity. There were a lot of theories, from her being a cyborg to having a computer chip planted on her brain! There’s also a theory that looks back on Chisato’s consciousness. Fans pointed out that Chisato’s consciousness has been transferred into a mechanical body. If confirmed, this would explain the surgery Mika and Yoshimatsu are talking about. Lycoris Recoil is still airing, so there’s more to come in the anime. If and when Chisato is confirmed to be a robot or not, this article will be updated! So, what are your thoughts? Is Chisato a robot in Lycoris Recoil? For now, enjoy watching Lycoris Recoil every week on Crunchyroll!