Surprisingly, it is now the highest-rated Marvel project on Rotten Tomatoes and achieved a 98-percent Certified Fresh rating, besting Black Panther’s previous score of a 96-percent Certified Fresh.The pilot episode titled Generation Why earned a 96-percent Tomatometer score, following the second episode titled Crushed, which achieved a 97-percent score. More impressively, Episodes 3 and 4 reached a perfect score. Episode 5 Time and Again is the lowest-rated of the series earning a 92-percent.When the series premiered on Disney+, fans criticized the show’s major decisions like changing Kamala’s powers, and even fueled more fuss after altering the character’s origins from Inhuman to Mutant. Thankfully, Vellani has a positive outlook about dealing with haters.In an interview, Ms. Marvel lead star Iman Vellani boldly says that she doesn’t care about the haters of the Disney+ show, saying there’s no actual basis for hating the show. “I know they’re there. It’s something we knew was going to happen going into this," Vellani told NME. " It happened when the comic books came out in 2014. I’m all for constructive criticism as long as people have a legitimate concern or suggestion or something real. Then I care. But all the hatred I’ve seen has no basis, no merit, it’s just purely for the sake of hating – and that’s fine. You’re not gonna impress everyone. We hit our target audience and we hit an entirely new audience that didn’t know they were gonna fall in love with this character – people who have never seen themselves represented in a positive light before.”In spite of the adverse reactions to the show, Ms. Marvel wasn’t actually that bad at all. The show had a very light theme and was delightful to any age range. Aside from that, Ms. Marvel is an unquestionably a visual experience, incorporating Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse-inspired theme with Kamala’s aesthetically pleasing Night Light abilities.All episodes of Ms. Marvel are now streaming on Disney+.Also read: Iman Vellani Expresses Her Hopes for Ms. Marvel Season 2