Kamala’s journey to being a superhero wasn’t easy, not at all, especially when she didn’t have a clue where to start looking for answers. As she said, it’s not always the brown girls from New Jersey who gets to save the world. With the finale of Ms. Marvel, Episode 6 wraps up her origin story with a bow and with a twist. Here’s a recap of what happened. Warning: This article contains spoilers for Ms. Marvel. Read at your own risk!
What Happened In Ms. Marvel Finale Episode 6?
Ms. Marvel Episode 6, No Normal, is the culmination of everything Kamala worked for in the past weeks since she got her powers from a bangle that her grandmother, Sana, sent to her. It activated something within her – being a superhero. Following the events of Episode 5, Bruno and Kamran are on the run as agents from the Department of Damage Control are pursuing them after the explosion at Circle Q. Kamran cannot control his powers yet and even the slightest touch activates his hard light like in the subway where he grabbed a pole. When a passenger bumps him, Kamran shoots out hard light, startling those aboard. Agent Sadie Deever, once again, barges in the mosque to look for Kamran whose description basically fits any guy there. It turns out they are keeping Bruno and Kamran there and they are helping them, being part of the same community. Sheikh Abdullah even gives them “disguises” with caps having the words “Halal,” and “Haram.” Meanwhile, at the Khan residence, Kamala gathers her family for an announcement. First, she apologizes for every trouble she has done like sneaking out to get to the AvengerCon then ruining her brother’s wedding. Muneeba seems excited so she signals Kamala to cut to the chase and she tells everyone that she is light girl or night light. The whole family acts in shock as if it is the first time they hear what Kamala said but it’s a classic Asian household that when one knows, the rest will follow. You can’t really keep a secret there. Aamir explains that it is the “Classic Khan gossip train” where Muneeba tells Yusuf and Aamir and Tyesha overhears it because Yusuf always answers calls on speaker phone. Yusuf tells Kamala that he is incredibly proud of her like the whole family is but they are worried about her safety since Kamala has quite the knack with troubles. Kamala responds that they raised her not to sit back and not help people. The family gathering gets interrupted when Nakia calls and she informs Kamala that she hasn’t heard from Bruno since the explosion at Circle Q. Kamala goes upstairs to suit up and Muneeba follows her with a box. Inside is her new outfit and Muneeba says the suit feels more like Kamala than the one she used to wear. She puts it on and goes somewhere near the mosque. Nakia, still upset with Kamala, plans to hide in school because the place is empty given that it’s a Saturday. At an alley, Kamala meets Bruno and Kamran who feels as if he would explode with powers. Before escaping, Kamala makes a call to Kareem who instructs her to take Kamran to the harbor by midnight. At school, Kamala and Nakia make up as Kamala apologizes for not telling Nakia the truth. Bruno spots the Department of Damage Control setting up a perimeter outside school and Kamran volunteers to be left behind since he’s the one the agents are after. Well, Kamala won’t allow that. Suddenly, Zoe barges in and admits that she films her TikToks in the theater because of the good lighting. Zoe cooperates with them as Kamala saved her life in the first episode and she reveals that the agents forced her to give Kamala up. All this time, Zoe knew it was Kamala but she left it to Kamala whenever she was ready to reveal herself in public. They start planning and it’s a classic Kamala plan with drawings and stuff on the board. Aamir shows up and Kamala is quite pissed saying heroes do not need chaperones but Aamir could help them with the plan. They collect hoodies, skeletons, fire extinguishers, and softballs to stall the Department of Damage Control. The main part of the plan is Zoe. Since she has a lot of followers online, she puts the event live on her TikTok to call for help and have her followers gather around the school because the government would not blow things up if there’s a lot of people around, right? That’s too much collateral damage and bad PR. Meanwhile, Agent Cleary gets a call from Agent Deever that they already have two powered individuals cornered in school. Agent Cleary knows what bad press is and he orders Agent Deever to stand down because it’s happening in front of a school and that’s not going to look good in the news. Agent Deever still pushes through and disobeys Cleary. Inside, Kamala reveals to Bruno that Kamran’s mom didn’t make it in Karachi and Bruno tells Kamala that Kamran shouldn’t know about it until they are out of trouble. Aamir, on the other hand, grills Kamran about his date with Kamala, really, a classic big brother move. Then, the Department of Damage Control barges in. They come across Bruno’s Zuzu and when they thought it is a bomb, it plays music and even having a disco ball go down. (Hilarious touch, Bruno, really!) They spot Kamran wearing a hoodie and a cap and it turns out all of them wear the same thing to confuse the agents. Zoe goes live on TikTok and tells her followers that the Department of Damage Control cornered them in school and that they need help. It’s like a circus. Fire extinguishers here and there, Nakia on the bike, Kamala and Bruno’s little science project exploding, but then again, stalling only buys them time, not escape. As Kamala and Kamran hide in the school counselor’s office, they hold hands and their hands glow with light. As they lean in to kiss, Bruno barges in, immediately jealous (it’s obvious, Bruno) but he sticks to the plan. Each of them gets captured. Kamala runs down the plan to Kamran’s safety to the harbor by midnight but he confronts her about the Red Daggers helping and what happened to his mother. Out of frustration, Kamran blasts an agent and Kamala tries to stop him. Kamala apologizes to Kamran as she admits Najma didn’t make it in Karachi because she closed the veil to the Noor Dimension. Angered, Kamran blasts off the doors outside the school and he faces the agents of the Department of Damage Control. There, Zoe’s followers and Kamala’s family watch behind the barriers. Kamran deflects the bullets but it isn’t enough so Kamala jumps in and makes a bigger shield. Agent Deever thinks it’s time for the big guns as a huge sonic weapon, like the one seen in The Incredible Hulk, comes out from one of the patrol cars. They blast off Kamala and Kamran and this time, it’s Kamala’s time to surprise them all – she says, “embiggen.” Kamala becomes huge and she destroys the sonic weapon, still being a good person, she checks in on the agents if they are okay. While Kamala faces more agents, Kamran charges as well and Agent Deever points a gun at him. Kamran throws a car to Deever who stands in front of the bystanders and Kamala gets to the car in time before it hurts anyone. Kamran explodes out of frustration and his hard light crawls everywhere. Kamala makes a huge bubble around them so she could convince Kamran to stop. Kamran reasons with Kamala that he just wants to be a normal kid but Kamala makes him realize that there is no such thing as normal for them and they can only do so much with what they have. Kamala punches a hole on the ground and tells Kamran to escape while there is still time. As Kamala emerges from the bubble, the crowd pushes through the agents to make a human barricade around her, even the New Jersey police joins the people. With too much attention, Kamala jumps ahead and gets out of the commotion. Agent Deever receives a call from Agent Cleary who is angry at her for disobeying his orders and dragging the name of the Department of Damage Control in the mess. Deever gets relieved of her duty. Back home, Kamala sees a lot of posts online where everyone is celebrating the newest superhero in town. She looks at herself in the mirror, and with a deep breath, Kamala knows she did a pretty good job as a superhero. Kamala goes to the roof and Yusuf follows her. Yusuf asks Kamala if she already has a superhero name and Kamala says she was still thinking about it. Yusuf reminds her how saving one person goes tenfold. It shows a montage of Kamran arriving in Karachi, Bruno preparing for CalTech, and Nakia at the mosque. Yusuf brings up how she was named “Kamala.” Yusuf recalls how he and Muneeba had difficulties to get a second child after Aamir. So, when Kamala came along, they decided to call her Kamala because “Kamal” in Arabic means perfect. In Urdu, it means “wonder” or “marvel,” hence, since Kamala was little, she was their little “Ms. Marvel.” Kamala couldn’t believe it at first because her idol is Carol Danvers who has the moniker of Captain Marvel. Overjoyed, Kamala takes off and as she drifts away, Yusuf tells himself, “Magic. Absolute magic.” Kamala sits on top of a lamppost and she looks over the skyline, proud of being a superhero. A time jump to a week later, Bruno arrives with Nakia in Kamran’s car and he says Kamran left it to him. The girls insist that the car is better if it is in New Jersey and that Bruno can’t take it with him to CalTech. Bruno grabs the chance to talk to Kamala since Aamir has been bugging him after discovering that Kamala’s powers seem to be genetic, he may have powers, too. Bruno says he ran tests but her genetic make-up has something off, something different from the rest of her family. Bruno says it is “like a mutation.” Kamala brushes it off, as if it’s a problem for another day, and she asks Bruno for the car keys, only to realize Nakia is already in the driver’s seat, asking them if they want shawarma. The three drive away on a happy note. In the post-credits scene, Kamala gets on her bed, tired from being a hero and Muneeba tells her that what she is doing doesn’t sound like it is a science homework. Kamala notices that the bangle glows purple and she stands up to get a closer look. Suddenly, Kamala is sucked away to her closet. However, it is not Kamala who gets out, it is Captain Marvel. Startled, Carol Danvers looks around, confused as to how she ended up in a room full of her face and memorabilia, as if she woke up in a shrine for her. In distraught, Carol Danvers runs away. READ MORE: Why and How Did Kamala Get The Name Ms. Marvel Explained
What’s Next For Ms. Marvel? Spoilers, Theories, and Leaks
Well, the finale was a blast. What makes it interesting is the end scene were Bruno revealed to Kamala that there is something different with the her genes and described it “like a mutation.” As if on cue, the background music enters with a hint that Kamala may, indeed, be the very first mutant of the MCU as the theme of X-Men ‘97 plays on the background as Kamala tries to understand what just happened. Given that the Department of Damage Control just became an enemy, it could follow the same vein as that of the X-Men narrative where the government plays the villain in the story. Also, the post-credits scene has so much in it despite only appearing for a minute or so. First, it set-ups the upcoming The Marvels and with the switch between Kamala and Carol Danvers. It’s a good callback to the comics but it is unlikely that Kamala took on the shape of Captain Marvel in the post-credits scene because why would Danvers be confused, right? Also, she’s wearing her own suit, if Kamala shape-shifted, she would still be in her Ms. Marvel attire. Remember when Aisha said that there were two bangles? Well, a theory suggests that Carol Danvers might’ve found the other bangle and upon contact, the other bangle with Kamala glowed. It’s possible that Kamala and Carol Danvers switched up positions because of the other bangle. All in all, it is a nice cliffhanger and everyone would have to wait until next year to figure out where Kamala ended up and how Captain Marvel switched places with her.
Where to Watch Ms. Marvel Finale Episode 6?
Disney+ exclusively streams Ms. Marvel along with all the other Marvel series released or upcoming as announced for the Phase Four of the MCU. There is no news yet as to the release of the series on DVD but what is sure is that it would be available on the service in the highest streaming quality, 4K. It is rated TV-14 All six episodes are now streaming.