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Here’s What Happened Before My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 13
The episode begins with a recap of everything that has occurred thus far in the epic battle between heroes and villains. Deku, who is in a rut, monologues that even though they are fighting for their lives, everyone’s wishes and hopes are still intertwined. On the other hand, Best Jeanist is on an aircraft, watching and hearing every bit of Dabi’s exposé against the heroes. According to Dabi, the heroes cover up humanity’s dark side in the name of justice, and they have lied to the people for many years. In addition, Dabi also states that the heroes are only saving their necks. Best Jeanist realizes that Dabi must have carefully planned the situation. He also speculates that Dabi was anticipating the moment when people’s faith in the heroes would waver. Moreover, Best Jeanist believes that Dabi was going for the moment when heroes failed to stop the catastrophe. Best Jeanist swears not to let the League of Villains get what they want at any cost while jumping from the aircraft. Back on the battlefield, Dabi prepares to attack Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki with his Prominence Burn, but Best Jeanist arrives just in time to stop him and Gigantomachia. Best Jeanist declares that the heroes will braid the hopes together to form threads of hope, a reference to the title of Episode 12. To Dabi’s chagrin, Best Jeanist apologizes to everyone for his late reinforcement. After all, Dabi believes that Best Jeanist has died after seeing his lifeless body. Dabi then insists that his past will not change even if Best Jeanist is still alive. Mr. Compress, Spinner, Gigantomachia, and even Shigaraki are kept at bay by Best Jeanist’s Fiber Master quirk. Spinner tries to rouse Shigaraki by claiming that he hasn’t done anything significant and valuable for the villains, so he must order Gigantomachia to turn the table against the heroes. As Nejire attempts to attack Spinner and Shigaraki, Dabi, now free of Best Jeanist’s fibers, used his flames to stop Nejire, burning her in the process, much to Endeavor and Todoroki’s anger. Deku tries to push himself to stand up and move after seeing Nejire’s injury, despite being injured himself. Despite coughing up blood, Best Jeanist tries to hold Dabi down with his fiber once more. He believes that the country will turn into chaos if Endeavor loses against the villains, which is why he doesn’t have a choice but to push himself to the limit as well. Shigaraki abruptly awakens after seeing glimpses of his past, stating that he needs to scratch the itch that he has always felt. He then orders Gigantomachia to release himself from Best Jeanist’s fibers that were holding them all down. Pro Hero Burnin notices that the Nomus are cooperating with each other as they try to move toward Shigaraki’s location on another battlefield. A Nomu appears behind Burnin, ready to devour her, but another hero arrives just in time to save her. Dabi and Todoroki continue to fight, with the latter confronting the former about the previous incident that nearly killed Natsu. Dabi responds that Endeavor would undoubtedly suffer if Natsu died back then. Meanwhile, Spinner and Mr. Compress expect the villains to counter now that Shigaraki can continue ordering Gigantomachia, in addition to the Nomu reinforcements who arrived unexpectedly. Seeing this, Deku pushes himself to stand up and help Best Jeanist even if he will lose his arms and legs in the process of using Float and Dark Whip. But, before he can do anything, Lemillion arrives to eliminate the Nomus who are planning to distract Best Jeanist from apprehending the villains. In a flashback, Lemillion recalls the time when he asked Eri to use her Rewind quirk on him to help the heroes in the fight against the villains. Even after regaining his quirk, Lemillion begs the other heroes for assistance because he lacks the strength to finish off a Nomu with a single punch. As a result, Bakugo desperately launches explosive attacks against the Nomus with the assistance of Nejire. Best Jeanist inquires about Bakugo’s hero name, to which the latter responds that his temporary name would be Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, to which the heroes and villains react differently. Dabi hugs Todoroki while admiring Endeavor’s traumatized expression. He mocks the two of them, claiming that they will both perish in his flames. That’s when Deku uses his black whipping style, Froppy, to separate Dabi and Todoroki from each other since he still can’t use his arms and legs. While Dabi prefers that Deku stay out of their family matter, Deku insists on assisting Todoroki and Endeavor because both have become important people in his life. He also points out that Dabi’s flame is not Endeavor’s. Endeavor uses the remaining strength in his body to punch Gigantomachia in the face, surprising both the heroes and the villains around him. What’s more surprising is that the sedative finally kicks in against Gigantomachia thanks to Endeavor’s punch along with the sacrifices of all the heroes that fought the giant. Before the episode ends, Mr. Compress tries to break free from Best Jeanist’s grip by promising to provide the heroes with a unique form of entertainment that will help him achieve his villainous goals. READ MORE: How Many Episodes Will My Hero Academia Season 6 Have?
Here’s the Release Date of My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 13
My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 13 will be released on Saturday, December 24, 2022, in all regions, including the US, the UK, Europe, and Japan.
Here’s the Release Time of My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 13
In Japan, My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 13 is expected to air on December 24, 2022, at 5:30 PM JST. If this information remains correct, the release times for different international regions will be as follows:
Pacific Time: 2:30 AM (December 24, 2022)Central Time: 4:30 AM (December 24, 2022)Eastern Time: 5:30 AM (December 24, 2022)British Time: 10:30 AM (December 24, 2022)
ALSO READ: Who Are My Hero Academia’s Voice Actors?
My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 13 COUNTDOWN
Take note that the countdown above follows the official release time of My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 13 in Japan. Discover more anime news and info by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime. READ NEXT: Is the My Hero Academia Manga Ending or Over? Latest Update