After a break last week, One Piece is coming back with the 1070th chapter in time for Christmas. Though before its official release, leaks have begun spreading online that go into details about what to expect. Spoiler Warning: There are possible One Piece Chapter 1070 spoilers in this article.
Luffy vs. Lucci Continues
Before we get to the details of the chapter’s story, the first batch of leaks states that the chapter cover features five scientists, including Vegapunk, Caesar, Judge, Queen, and an unknown woman. As for the story, the chapter opens with Luffy and Rob Lucci continuing their fight. While Lucci has gotten strong, the previous chapter showed that Luffy’s Gear 5 form is clearly stronger, befitting his Emperor status. Lucci still can’t land hits on Luffy. Meanwhile, Luffy hits CP0’s leader with a “Gomu Gomu no Dawn (Doon) Rocket” attack. Despite not being able to land hits on Luffy, Lucci gains control of the Seraphim. As explained in the previous chapter, Sentomaru has a higher level of access to the Seraphim, but if he’s taken out of the picture, CP0 can command them. While Sentomaru got heavily wounded in the previous chapter, the new leaks say that he’s knocked out and taken away to get healed. Though this means CP0 might just have a fighting chance against Luffy with the Seraphim under their control. ALSO READ: Is the One Piece Manga Better than the Anime?
Vegapunk Reveals Devil Fruit Information
Aside from the fighting, Vegapunk goes into detail about the difficulty of replicating Devil Fruits. He says that Zoans are the easiest to replicate as they’re based on animals, though Mythical Zoans are much harder to create. Paramecia Devil Fruits meanwhile need the Lineage Factor of the user. This knowledge of Lineage Factors is the reason Caesar Clown was able to create SAD for the Artificial Devil Fruits. Finally, Vegapunk says that he doesn’t want to talk about Logias as they’re practically impossible to replicate. Though it seems that there is a story relating to Kizaru’s Devil Fruit that he did not continue. Finally, the last page shows that Kizaru is leading a fleet to Egghead, possibly sending him on a collision course with the Straw Hat Crew. Of course, you’ll want to take these One Piece Chapter 1070 leaks with a grain of salt. For accurate details, you’ll have to wait until the chapter’s official release this weekend on Manga Plus. Discover more anime news and info by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime. READ NEXT: All You Need to Know About One Piece Volume 103’s English Release Date!