Julie Andrews, who plays Queen Clarisse Renaldi in the Princess Diaries franchise and the grandmother of Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) has recently responded with unfortunate news about the threequel possibility on The Hollywood Reporter. Andrews does not believe that there is going to be a Princess Diaries 3, despite the hype the news received from longing fans to see the original cast unite on screen again. Read her full comment below:
Despite Andrews’ doubt that the original cast would be willing to return and reunite for the franchise, Hathaway felt quite the opposite. Though Hathaway’s involvement in the project actually requires that Andrews would have to be on board, too, so it seems the future of a Princess Diaries 3 is going grimmer by the minute.
Andrews continues on to say how it’s even more impossible because of the franchise director, Garry Marshall’s death, which, as she stated, “would be too late to do it now” and it’s “too far down the line now to go back to it.”
The actress ends her statement with, “It’s a lovely thought, but I don’t think it would probably be possible.”
There are no further official announcements yet on the continuation for Princess Diaries 3, especially since it is not going to be a reboot. There is still hope that at least Anne Hathaway could sign on the project, but until further notice, we’ll have to take Julie Andrews’ word for now.
In the meantime, you can catch both Princess Diaries and Princess Diaries 2: The Royal Engagement on Disney+.
ALSO READ: Princess Diaries Fans Want Original Cast To Return For 3rd Movie