While it is at the most inconvenient time in the series to have a “self-contained wedding episode,” She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 6 talks so much about spouses, it introduces a client of GLK&H who thinks he is an expert in divorce, Mr. Immortal. Who is he in the comics?
She-Hulk: Attorney At Law: Who is Mr. Immortal?
It is all about marriage in She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 6. Just Jen, as while it follows the titular hero going to the wedding of a high school colleague, Lulu, the episode also has the downside of marriage – a divorce case at GLK&H involving Craig Hollis a.k.a. Mr. Immortal. See, Mr. Immortal thought he found the best way to end a relationship. Given his ability of immortality, he, literally, can’t die and he fakes his death when he doesn’t feel like being in the relationship anymore. Unfortunately for him, some love never dies. As he narrated his story to Mallory Book and Nikki, he explains that when he want to get out of a relationship, he simply “dies” in the eyes of his spouse and then he jumps onto the next ship for the next spouse until he had at least 9 widows suing him for leaving them.
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One ex-spouse of his found him in a website called “Intelligencia,” which is what Mallory calls “the website for hateful man babies,” where Mr. Immortal had a video of him dying, only to come back to life. That was when they found out about his “dying” scheme. Nikki sorts things out and it is a win for them. In the comics, though, Mr. Immortal is more than just a man who had nine spouses and hated “tough conversations” so he just “dies,” he is actually one of the founding members of the “Great Lakes Avengers,” a team which helped the Avengers on various missions. He, technically, cannot die but it is not impossible, too, as Deadpool successfully ended Mr. Immortal’s life three times in various ways. Maelstrom did the same, too. It seems that Mr. Immortal can only be killed by another person with the gift or curse of immortality. See Mr. Immortal and his separation shenanigans on She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode 6, exclusively on Disney Plus.