In Spy x Family Episode 14, Keith Kepler escaped after Yor Forger rescued her daughter. The distressed Anya tells her mother about Keith’s plan to assassinate the Prime Minister and Yor tries to report them to the police.
While Yor is on the phone, Anya gets another vision through the fluffy white dog who saved her and realizes that Loid Forger will die if the Time Bomb detonates. The little girl then sets off to find the bomb with the future Bond Forger and prevent it from killing her father. Although Anya and Bond manage to find the bomb, she has no idea how to defuse it. Still, the smart girl leaves a warning on the door about the bomb being inside. Luckily, Loid understands the warning and doesn’t open the door. It’s an awesome heroic feat for Anya Forger and although it is unlikely she will be rewarded for it, the deed certainly deserves a Stella. With that in mind, we’re hoping that Loid and Yor realize that the little girl should get another gift. Disarm the Time Bomb ended on a cliffhanger as Loid faces off against one of the bomb dogs sent by Keith Kepler. With that in mind, we can’t wait to see how Twilight will survive the fight against the dog and Keith next week. Spy x Family Episode 15 is titled A New Family Member and will premiere on Saturday, October 14, 2022.