Coming into a powerful closure is the finale of Star Wars: Andor Season 1 and it perfectly sets in stone where the second run of the series is heading before the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and Cassian finally seals his place in the Rebellion, into becoming the rebel hero that he is. Here’s what happened in the ending, explained.
Star Wars: Andor Ending Explained: Cassian Seals His Place In The Rebellion
A quick recap of the finale of Star Wars: Andor, Episode 12 titled Rix Road, starts with Cassian going back to Ferris for the funeral of Maarva and he learns from Brasso that Bix is imprisoned. Meero and the local Imperial garrison plans to use the funeral of Maarva to get to Cassian and extract information from him about who Luthen is, all the while, Luthen is actually planning to kill Cassian through the Imperial’s ambush with the help of Vel and Cinta. Mon Mothma continues to go through the surveillance of the ISB and she succeeds putting a stop to the Kreegyr’s attack but she made sure that there will be no prisoners, thus, Meero gets angry. Meanwhile, Mothma’s daughter, Leida, finally meets the son of Davo Sculdun.
READ MORE: Star Wars: Andor Showrunner Debunks Maarva’s Fake Death Theory
At the funeral, B2EMO plays a projection of Maarva who recorded her statement for the people to attack the Empire and that causes a riot within the main quarter. While there is a distraction, Cassian releases Bix from captivity while Karn saves Meero from an attack. B2EMO meets with Brasso at the shipyard and Cassian entrusts Bix to them as they take off away from Ferrix. Luthen witnesses all these and he returns to his ship, only to find Cassian there, waiting for him. Cassian already knows about the assassination that Luthen set out for him and he comes to him personally with an offer, to either kill him or take him into the cause of the rebellion. The whole finale is everything that Star Wars fans are looking for and it is actually one for the books to have a small rebellion happen in the heart of Ferrix, something that Maarva would’ve been proud of had she witnessed it. It also sets up Cassian being involved in the rebellion as he personally offers himself to Luthen to be part of the cause because now, Cassian is dead set to become a rebel hero after everything that he witnessed. Cassian’s mind is made up: he wants to take down the Empire. Surprisingly, Star Wars: Andor Episode 12 has a post-credits scene and it is finally revealed what the prisoners at Narkina 5 are working on. It turns out that the parts they assembled are part of the Death Star, a pivotal weapon in the narrative of Star Wars. See the finale of Star Wars: Andor and all its episodes, now streaming on Disney Plus.