Much to his surprise, instead of being criticized for his actions, he was lauded by his colleagues in the industry and despite not appearing in a major franchise after Star Wars, his acting career has remained quite steady. Now, two years after he delivered his emotional speech, the British-Nigerian star is finally opening up about his decision to make a stand. Boyega claims that he had no intention of voicing out during the protest and according to him, everything he said was spontaneous. In an interview with The Daily Beast, the actor said: “I do know it was a spontaneous day with the way everything went down, because I didn’t actually go to the protest to speak. There were no official plans or anything like that. And while we were waiting for Belly Mujinga’s family to come there specifically, that’s when the megaphone was like, “Do you want to say a few words?” And I stood up and said what was on my mind and expressed how I’d been thinking. The expression of that thought seemed so spontaneous, like it had come out of nowhere, but I’ve lived a Black life—even before money and fame. I’ve lived over a few decades of a Black life, and for me, that perspective doesn’t leave you because you have money or because you have stability.” He continued: “You’re still going to feel a certain connection when you see a Black individual in the States get stomped down like that. You’re going to feel that way. I think what’s been surprising for me is that sometimes people are like, “Well, you’re an actor now! Do your career and make your money!” And you’re like, wow, that’s more of a reflection of how cold-hearted you are. And by the way, I have money. I have it. It’s not powerful enough to erase your empathy when you see someone who looks like you going through a circumstance. If you have a heart, you will be moved by it.“Also Read: John Boyega Shoots Down Rumors That He Has Joined the MCUFast forward to 2022 and it’s safe to say that his involvement in the Black Lives Matter protest didn’t have serious ramifications on his career. Of course, it’s definitely a good thing and it goes to show that he helped spark some change within Hollywood.The Star Wars sequel trilogy is available for streaming on Disney+.