According to the writers of Stranger Things, Season 2 fan favorite character Bob Newby was supposed to be killed by his own ‘almost’ step-son, Will. Although the season was released back in October 2017, the show always left an impact on their fans when season-favorite characters like Bob (and Eddie) get killed off.
Through the Stranger Writers’ Twitter account, the writers posted a surprising scrapped idea from the Stranger Things Season 2 storyline. The tweet reads: Crazy shit that almost happened #1: In season 2, a possessed Will was going to kill Bob.
If you remember, Joyce Byers started dating Bob in Season 2, seeing as he was a longtime acquaintance of hers and a local employee at Hawkins’ RadioShack store. Bob had grown attached even to Joyce’s sons, would always look after them and gain every moment to bond with the family, even encouraging Will to ‘face his fears’. However, his venture in helping out the Byers led to his unfortunate death by Demodogs.
His death remains to have an impact not only on the show’s fans but also on the characters, as well. Jonathan (played by Charlie Heaton) and Will had to grow up without a proper father figure, seeing as their actual father left them for another family, leaving Joyce (played by Winona Ryder) to raise and protect them on her own.
Although Bob’s existence in the Byers’ life had been short-lived, he was the closest the boys could call a ‘Dad’. Should the writers have gone through with their scrapped idea, Will would have been more traumatized and guilty than his character already was. Meanwhile, we’ll find out more on how Stranger Things will unfold as their fifth season is in the works.
Also Read: Stranger Things Creators Addresses Season 5 Release Date