In an interview with Deadline, Burton shares how he saw himself so much in Dumbo that he had called the movie an ‘autobiography’:
As to how a creator feels of what they have released in this world, their emotions involved in the project often come to bite them back. In this case, Burton relates to Dumbo in a circus that he wants to escape from. Dumbo revolves around the story of a baby elephant with enormous ears in addition to Max Medici’s circus. It was through those same ears that Medici had realized Dumbo could use those to fly. The original Dumbo animated film mostly featured an animal cast with fewer human characters, however, Burton’s Dumbo changed particular details in his own version.
He had also addressed why he could never work on a Marvel or Star Wars film:
Tim Burton is currently developing a Beetlejuice sequel, while Wednesday is set to premiere on Netflix on November 23.
Also Read: Tim Burton Refuses to Direct a Marvel Film for Disney