The film takes us back to the life of Giselle, Robert, and Morgan, with the brand new member of their family, Sophie. They are now in the midst of living their happily ever after, but things are not so happy after all.
Disenchanted spoilers up ahead
Giselle and Robert are overwhelmed with the challenges of parenting a baby in the city. At the same time, the couple is navigating unchartered lands now that Morgan is a teenager. The family decides that their apartment in the city is now too small for the growing family, so they pack up their stuff and start anew in their own castle in Monroeville, a small town in the suburbs. Their house in the suburbs is what they call a ‘fixer-upper,’ with still so many things to be fixed and so much to be done, but Giselle is determined to make things better for everyone, trying as hard as she can. She fixes Morgan’s room, though faulty wiring started a small fire that burned almost all of Morgan’s clothes. She also finds it hard to find her place at school after wearing one of Giselle’s outfits. Robert starts his seemingly endless and purposeless life as a suburban commuter and longs for a more fulfilling life. When the family had just moved into Monroeville, Prince Edward and Nancy visited them to give their gift to their goddaughter. The gift was an Andalasian Wishing Wand, a magical item that will grant the desires of its user if, and only if, they are a true son or daughter of Andalasia. But how did Edward and Nancy arrive in this world?
Read more: Disenchanted Release Date, Cast, Plot, Trailer, and Everything We Know
Edward and Nancy built a portal from Andalasia to this world in the well that was in Giselle’s backyard. The wishing well allowed safe passage between the two worlds. The well was made of stone with a wooden paling and a gable roof. The roof also seems to be the passage for any magic summoned from Andalasia into the real world.
When Giselle finds that this life and this world is so different from the one she imagined they would have, she uses the Wishing Wand to wish for a fairy tale life for everyone. When she wakes up the next morning, she discovers her wish has come true. Everything in this world is now like a fairy tale, with Robert as a valiant prince looking for adventures, Morgan as a young maiden keeping the house, and Giselle was called a Stepmother. As Giselle wished for a fairy tale life, she was slowly evolving into an evil Stepmother because that was what Stepmothers were in fairy tales. When Evil Stepmother Giselle takes over, she locks Morgan in her tower to stop her from attending the ball. Morgan escapes, but Giselle catches her and drops her into the well, most likely with the intent to kill. Morgan wakes up in Andalasia, traveling through the wall, which is still a portal. Nancy and Edward explain that all the magic was suddenly being pulled into the hole that appeared in the sky. It turns out Giselle’s wish was so powerful that it was sucking all the power from Andalasia. Nancy and Morgan traveled back to Monroelasio through the well and brought the old Giselle back. In a cute turn of events, Morgan manages to use the wand, being a true daughter of Andalasia. Disenchanted ends with the entire town of Monroeville are back to normal, but much better than before. The well is still a portal with Nancy and Edward visiting Monroeville from Andalasia.