The Knights of The Old Republic first came out in 2004 developed by BioWare and released by LucasArts. It is an RPG video game series from the Star Wars comic books of George Lucas. The rules of the game are from the D20 system coming from the Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition where fighting is round-based, and attacks and reactions happen simultaneously. For the fans of the game, it’s great news when Sony announced in September 2021 that The Knights of The Old Republic will be having a remake under Aspyr, the studio that got the classic BioWare RPGs available for mobile.
READ MORE: Here’s Why BioWare Didn’t Make A Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Sequel
When Does Knights of The Old Republic Remake Take Place in the Star Wars Timeline?
The most usual and commonly used method to determine where a title falls under the Star Wars timeline is whether it happened before or after the Battle of Bavin with BBY for those which take place before and ABY for the events that happened after. For Knights of The Old Republic, it takes place as far back as 5000 BBY to 4000 BBY for the events that happened like the first Hypergalactic war and the rise of the Sith Empire. The stage to the first Knights of The Old Republic is set at 3976 BBY when the Mandalorian wars began. Exactly at 3956 BBY, the Knights of The Old Republic happened and the second one is set at 3951 BBY. All in all, the Knights of The Old Republic covers as much as 1400 years in the story of the galaxy far, far away and it remains to be one of the narratives to have the longest span in time. The Knights of The Old Republic Remake has no release date yet. It is currently under development for PS5 and PC.