Warning: This article contains spoilers for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Read at your own risk!
Who Becomes The New Black Panther in Wakanda Forever?
It is no question that Shuri becomes the successor to T’Challa in being the new protectress of Wakanda, the Black Panther. It is quite obvious considering that they are siblings, at the same time, Shuri is, indeed, the heir of T’Challa’s title as Black Panther in the comics. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever has seen the struggle of Shuri to move on from the death of her brother, and after Namor infiltrates Wakanda, the death of her mother as well, and filled with rage, vengeance, and determination, Shuri finally becomes the new Black Panther. She dons a suit similar to T’Challa, with gold and silver embellishments, signifying some of her resemblance with Killmonger as well. In fact, her moral stands between that of her brother and Killmonger, but in the end, she might not be as noble as T’Challa, but she still chose peace.
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How Did Shuri Become The New Black Panther in Wakanda Forever Without the Heart-Shaped Herb?
When you’re a genius like Shuri, this may be a little tricky but it isn’t impossible. See, in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, when Shuri learned about the origins of the Talocan, she was gifted by Namor a mesoamerican-styled bracelet. As per Namor, the Talocan tribe existed when a tribe by the Yucatan Peninsula underwent a ritual which involved drinking an herb from vibranium-rich soil. With the bracelet given by Namor having some roots from the vibranium-rich soil, and with the help of the DNA of T’Challa, Shuri was able to create a synthesized version of the heart-shaped herb, and she personally tested it to herself, thus, becoming the new Black Panther. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is now showing in theaters worldwide.